Service Member Testimonial

Veterans, because of the very nature of their service, have relocated many times and often over great distances over the course of their lives. This is just one of those "little" sacrifices our men and women make. Just part of the deal they strike with Uncle Sam when they sign on that dotted line and put service above self. Country before family.

Probably something most Americans don’t think about. Especially since less than one percentage of our current population serve. And while this is an inconvenience while young and able, it has lasting negative consequences—many of which become especially evident later in life.

One that comes immediately to mind is the lack of solid social support structures. Each time a service member relocates, they lose any roots they have laid in that location: Church connections. Friends. Community and social organizations. Even family members.

What this often translates to later in life—when health and abilities are failing—is often significant social isolation. Loneliness. Disconnection from meaningful relationships. And far too often, dying before getting a chance to say goodbye to loved ones. Perhaps before having a chance to make amends--and find peace. This last point is an especially poignant example, as just today I have been working with the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran who had not seen or heard from her dad since she was three-years-old. Thankfully, they have recently reconnected and she’s going above and beyond to help her ailing father.

That’s why we at Capital Caring Health are eternally grateful to Eagle Force Warrior Foundation’s extremely generous gift of $30,000 plus the in-kind use of their aircraft. With this support, they have opened the door to possibilities that otherwise would not have been. Now, we have the capability to make those final goodbyes a reality, SO THAT NO VETERAN DIES ALONE. So that no veteran leaves on that “Final Deployment” without a loving and proper sendoff.

So, a big THANK YOU, Eagle Force Warrior Foundation, for standing in the gap to “do right” by these veterans. You saw a need, stepped forward, and raised your hand. And for that, we, our veterans, and our veteran families, are appreciative beyond words.


Service Member Testimonial

Service Member Testimonial

A veteran in need was referred to EagleForce Warrior Foundation for assistance: “Simply put, your assistance with servicing my vehicle, to get to a job…and to help me get to my son [to his special needs] (sic.) appointments would be greatly appreciated. I humbly thank you for your consideration in helping my son and me with this matter. I could not thank you more for just thinking about or looking over my letter and am sincerely grateful for the time you put into helping all veterans.” The Foundation was honored and humbled to provide the support requested. After the repairs were made, the veteran provided, “…I would like to sincerely thank the organization for all of the help that you all have afforded me. I can’t thank you all enough for helping us.”

Capital Caring Health Staff Member Testimonial

Capital Caring’s partnership with the Eagle Force Warrior Foundation is a model by which creative collaboration between organizations can make a meaningful difference in the lives of families, in this case veterans and their loved ones.

Capital Caring Health provides comprehensive care to seriously ill individuals, often with only months to live. So No One Dies Alone is a Capital Caring program that recognizes the comfort and dignity found in presence of another human being and represents our commitment that no person should ever die without loved ones by their side or the chance to say goodbye.

Eagle Force Warrior Foundation’s generous gift of $30,000 plus the in-kind use of aircraft means we can get family members of veterans in our care, who may live far away, to be at the side of their loved one at the end of life. Helping ensure this final salute to heroes from their family and next of kin is so meaningful — and shows Eagle Force’s commitment to supporting all veterans.

Capital Caring is profoundly grateful to Eagle Force Warrior Foundation for helping bring military families together to help meet our goal: so no veteran dies alone.

Capital Caring Health Staff Member

Gary- A Transition Coordinators Testimonial

Eric and Leslie- A Family Supported by the Foundation

Holiday Testimonial

"This Holiday season the EagleForce Warrior Foundation helped 17 active duty service members and veterans with pre-paid gift cards for their use as needed. The beneficiaries all had unique factors or situations that placed them in a position where they could use a little help. Even the strongest of the strong need a helping hand. The Foundation was honored for the opportunity to support our active duty and veteran’s during a time of need.

Although we can’t share the individual circumstances of the great Americans we assisted, here are “snap shots” of their stories:

  • Assistance due to unexpected challenges in housing, employment, or faced with significant family member health challenges
  • Veteran with chronic pain as a result of combat injuries
  • Facing financial challenges due to delays in VA retirement support and pay
  • Veteran with lingering injuries from an IED blast
  • Single mother veteran with 4 children struggling to make ends meet
  • Veterans diagnosed with incurable diseases

Upon receiving the gift card, one veteran commented, “thank you so much for selecting my family and I for the eagle force warrior foundation gift. It's been a pretty tough year and things like this make it just a little bit more bearable. Thank you for what you do and the program you run, it truly means a lot to me and my family.” Situations such as these present veterans and servicemembers with difficulties in daily life. We are humbled by their strength and we are honored to provide some relief during the holiday season.

We are forever grateful for the service and sacrifices of our active-duty service members and veterans."